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Victorious Living Faith
443-842-5966 x402
435 Maryland Ave.
Essex, MD 21221

grow spiritually one page at a time

The VLF Bookstore is a full line gift, bible, and bookstore. We offer a large variety of inspirational gifts such as journals, home décor, crosses, jewelry, stationery, clothing, cards, and so much more. Our store is a warm and welcoming place, where you will be greeted by friendly, helpful staff. When you shop at the Bookstore you are shopping with a purpose because fifty percent of the proceeds from the store are given to Our Have A Heart 2 Help Outreach each year. Outreach supports ministries such as the Love The Hopeful, The FLO - Friendly Loving Opportunities, and Eastside Family Emergency Shelter in Rosedale MD just to name a few.

$ 13.49
Featured VLF Merchandise
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